You are What you Eat

Food plays an important role in our Body (Figure), Health and Soul. You must have observed in many houses that in kitchen shoes are not allowed. Without bathing, eating is also not allowed. They always pray before eating. Purity is important in the preparation of food.
Our Hostel students always pray before they start eating their Food.
We make food as per the teachings of Jainism, where no root plants (Potato, onion, garlic, carrot, etc…) are allowed.

We have to eat to be Alive. So same way we have to let other livings Alive. We are pure 100% Strict Jain vegetarian. We have the beautiful temple also in our premises. We are not allowed to eat after sunset. We eat after sunrise. We in our Hostel follow this Happily. This way prepared and consumed Food keeps our mind  always cool and with good positive thoughts. It helps keep our soul clean. 

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