It is a MUST Event for All Rural Schools

After visiting many Rural schools, we observe that the children are excited to gain knowledge, but just don’t have the correct resources. 

Many things can be taught and the best way to do it is by doing it practically, by applying and experimenting with what is taught in the books.

But the question is ‘HOW?’ and ‘BY WHOM?’

Teachers don’t have the materials to do so and even if they manage to arrange it, it’s never enough for all the students to perform. 

What about these children who want to learn? Their practicals are never happening, because of which they miss a lot like:

  1. Teamwork amongst children.
  2. Expression of creativity that each child holds in their mind.
  3. Clearly understanding what they have already learned theoretically.
  4. Confidence and satisfaction of completing a task successfully.
  5. Above all, the FUN element which can enter their studies. 

We together can make it Possible

We have multiple well-equipped schools near all Village. Distance is Max. 2 Hours. What we have planned is:
With the collaboration with City school on their day of Project show by all class students, We will ask them to continue The show next day with their ready project to Rural school.
This way Rural children will be able to see all projects Live in which they are studying. At the same time by showing their work to Rural children, Urban children will also get a lot more confidence in their work.
It will be one of the beautiful moments of interaction between Urban and Rural children. It will be a Lifetime experience for them also. We will be able to give all the above 5 missing points to Rural children.
After seeing such project work Rural children will be also encouraged to make such projects. But the problem will be all materials. Most of them don’t have so much money to spend on materials. And teachers are also helpless to teach students practically without materials.
Here we can help them get all materials and make their projects. Again for all this, we need funding. Your small contribution will make a great change in their way of seeing and understanding education.
In most of the cases, we will offer this opportunity to Schools which can send their School Bus. But there will be an expense of their Lunch, snacks, and Materials for Rural children.
Be our sponsor for such a school trip. You will be one of The Chief guests of the function also. You can also interact with Children. A great exposure you will get by being a sponsor of such Nobel Events. Our Hard earning Money gets the Best use out of such participation. Trust us and Grab such a chance.
Sponsor the entire event or contribute whatever you want in the general fund for this event.

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